Tuesday, 1 December 2020



Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Tasmanian Devil

Tasmanian Devil

1. They Once Lived In Mainland Australia

2. They Store Fat In Their Tails They Can Eat Up To 40% Of Their Body      Weight In A Day

3. They Have One Of The Most Powerful Bites In The World

4. Tasmanian Devil is a marsupial. Female marsupial animals have  pouches in which they carry their young. The pouch helps the mother to  feed and protect newly born devils. There are four teats in the pouch, so she can look after four little devils at the same time

5. The title Tasmanian Devil came from the first European settlers who first entered the state The large group began hearing mysterious and unearthly screams and growls from deep within the bush Hence the name Tasmanian Devils
W.A.L.T:Synthesis What We Read

Friday, 20 November 2020

Dear Diary

 Dear Diary, 

Today i was told by Angel Gabriel that i was going to have a baby and i will call it Jesus and. Elizabeth was going to have a baby  said what but she is too old but Gabriel angel said anything is possible. Then I ran to Elizabeth´s house and told her you're going to have a baby. She said, No, I'm too old .I said I know but it's going to happen.Then I walked home in joy waiting for Angel  Gabriel to come back. 

And that's pretty much my day.

Friday, 6 November 2020

The School Trip

We went  on a bus that was 15 to 10 minutes and then we stop at the museum.Me and Isaac were buddy's through out the whole trip.

First we went went to the museum which was amazing.The museum had lots off art.We Play a Maori game which was a amazing game.Then we went up stairs  to the class and play more games like snakes and ladders and a whole lot more.Then we where just roaming around the place and then we got out.

Then we got out off the museum and walked to the library and we played with Lego and everyone had to build a nation bird out off Lego.Then we got to do what we wanted to do.And then we left.

Off to Margretmayhe we play for 15 minutes and then we left to the bus we go and back to school we go 


Wednesday, 14 October 2020


 Jayden had 3 cats and one have 6 kittens


Friday, 11 September 2020


Why in the World Would We Need a Barney Movie, of All Things? | The Mary SueI Wanted to be barney

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

math story

W.A.L.T Add and subtract the same number.
Zach LeVine had 16 basketballs and he got 5 more but brody stole 16 basket balls how much basketballs does Zach LeVine have left ?

Monday, 31 August 2020

Pet Letter

Brody,Dixon                              Miss,Pownall

Room 2                                      Room 2
 NBC                                          NBC

Dear Miss Pownall,

 I Believe that we should have a dog in Room 2.
There are three main reasons why i feel this way, Reason one is because it will be nice to have a bit off change in Room 2. Reason two is that Charlie can be comforting.Reason Three, Puppies love games such as hide and seek.

Firstly, it will be a bit of a change in Room 2. it will be nice to have some time off when charlie needs a walk, it will boost out physical health and help us be more playful. study have shown having a dog can make you happy and more energetic by releasing a hormone in our brain called oxitocin.

Secondly, Charlie can be comforting. For some people when they are mad some dogs will help them because some dogs are made for helping the stressed. Jai and Isaac both have dogs. When I go to their houses I get to pet them. This is comforting to me.

Thirdly, dogs love games such as hide and seek. We can take Charlie on walks and he can play man hunt with us. Its great because you could get some exercise if youre being chased by Charlie.

In conclusion That's why we should have a dog in Room 2

 Brody Dixon

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Screencastify explaining my Maths

W.A.L.T Add and subtract money by estimating

Monday, 3 August 2020

All Kids Should Have A Pet

I can not believe that people think all children cant own a pet .This is because  they are cute,they're entertaining and they help the blind.

 Firstly, they are cute and they can sleep on you which is adorable. For example my Nan has a cat that is really fat and she will find one spot and just sleeps there. She mostly sleeps on people tho.

 Secondly, they are entertaining because some dogs or cat will make you take them on walks so you would have to take them on there walks and you can play with a ball or something.

Thirdly,They Also  help the blind this is by leading them where to go walks they take you away from danger like walking into a sea.Once in the news a dog took its blind owner away from a fire that came from the twin towers plane crash.

In Conclusion, All Kids should own pets,They are so cute.i entertaining and they help the blind.Coronavirus: Second dog in Hong Kong tests positive for Covid-19 ...

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Match the Abbreviations to the Measurement

W.A.L.T Abbreviate Measurements 

Monday, 29 June 2020

My Comment On Isaac

W.A.L.T Write Positive, Thoughtful and helpful blog comments

Friday, 26 June 2020

New Zealand

W.A.l.T:to identify the culture of New Zealand and give examples of what it looks like.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Quick Fire Wednesday





W.A.L.T Recognise and understand images of God

Mother Hen

Friday, 19 June 2020

Holy Trinity

 W.A.L.T Be creative with Google Drawing

Thursday, 18 June 2020


Hey Im Brody From NBC

I really like how you put music notes maybe next you could make it a bit bigger what your fav type of music
W.A.L.T Write a Persuasive letter

Wednesday, 17 June 2020


W.A.L.T Be creative with Google Drawing

This week we made Google drawings for our class site. This is the one that I made!

Hand Written

Monday, 15 June 2020

Pink Crayon

W.A.L.T Write a persuasive letter

Hey Brody,

Pink Crayon talking here. Hello Mr can you start using me more for other stuff instead of that one small PIG. You could use me to colour in cups, houses, elephants and pink grass. Seriously bro.
Please, I'm sick of you picking me up and dropping me on the GROUND.

Your sad friend,
 Pink Crayon.

Download HD Pink Crayon Lounging - Pink Crayon Transparent PNG ...

Friday, 12 June 2020

Boys do dance

W.A.L.T:Read for sustained periods independently

Friday, 5 June 2020

Thursday, 4 June 2020

The Evil Shoe Maker

WALT: Analyse And Create  A Character Description

This is the Evil Shoe Maker, he is an evil man that makes shoes.

He lives in a old looking car.The Evil Shoe Maker loves money and he is very rich and he likes wearing gold stuff. The Evil Shoemaker likes being fancy.He is rude because he steals customers.He stands kind of fancy. The Evil Shoemaker sells shoes for a living.He has skill in making shoes.His head looks like a tennis ball wrack.He is unkind.He does not have proper shoe shop.

Now You Know What The Evil Shoemaker is like. If you see him RUN


Animals That Went Extinct

1. Pyrenean Ibex

2. Great Auk

3. Passenger Pigeon

4. Saber-Toothed Cat

5. Dodo

6. Stelles Sea Cow

7. Woolly Mammoths

8. Tasmanian Tiger

9.  Black Rhino

10. Dinosaurs

11. Thylacinus

12. marine fish

13. Pliosaurs

Thats All The animals In There

My Hand Writing

Thursday 4th June

In the beginning there was darkness darkness and silence

God created Heaven and Earth-Genesis

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Friday, 29 May 2020

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Samoan Week

This is my favorite because its a fish an i dont like fish but i like fish

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Dear Duffy

Dear Duffy Books,

Thank you for the Books Duffy Books.I am really looking forward to look in to the Books. I chose the books because I like Goosebumps and Spirit Animals.
Thanks again for the Duffy Books

From Brody

Friday, 20 March 2020

Awesome Archerey Tag

Awesome Archerey Tag

When we were walking to Living Springs
it was so long.My favourite thing about
camp was the archery tag. It was the best
thing i've ever done, It was so awesome.
Cody and Joel were the best at archery tag.
In archery tag I hit Mr Gray and nearly
made him fall over, then Joel hit him and
he fell over. Then we went swimming, that
was fun too.
Image result for archery tag